Dr. Sibak Franklin Drake contacted me regarding a colleague of his, a Dr. Sibak. The doctor was a Vulcan priest, but worked with the science academy studying psionic phenomena on Vulcan. It appears the doctor went to the Donatu system to do some research. He hasn’t been seen in a couple of years and Drake …
Tag: Federation
Mar 30
Luce Liberia explores the Arucanis Arm
A strange encounter Sometimes the universe is a strange place. While at Earth space dock, I ran into the entity known as Q. From the warnings I recieved at the academy I was quite wary of speaking to this creature. However, to my surprise he offered to assist me. He offered a cheap magic trick …
Mar 28
Luce Liberia explores the Hromi cluster
Vacation Having just returned from my vacation to Risa, I was informed by Starfleet command that I have been given a new grade Lieutenant Commander (13). It would appear that the duty officers have been busy in my absence. The crew is starting to take shape at this point. Starfleet command implemented a new duty …
Mar 16
Tour the universe event federation
Today I took a couple of spins around the galaxy in my fully Borg Assault Cruiser. It was the first time I had tried the tour of the universe, it was a lot of fun. I manually piloted the hairpin turns which was probably not the best way to do it. But I still made …