Tag: sto

Luce Liberia the newest Lieutenant in Star Trek online

U.S.S. Zemark lieutenant Luce Liberia commanding

Earlier today I decided I was going to set myself a new challenge. I am going to level a tactical officer without running story line missions. Now at first this sounds difficult, but I think I have found some things to make it easier. Who is Luce Liberia? Luce is a federation citizen. She is …

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Tour the universe event federation

Screenshot of tour the universe event

Today I took a couple of spins around the galaxy in my fully Borg Assault Cruiser. It was the first time I had tried the tour of the universe, it was a lot of fun. I manually piloted the hairpin turns which was probably not the best way to do it. But I still made …

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The path to 2409 answers

The path to 2409 answers and questions This is a complete list of the questions and answers for the Star Trek online event the path to 2409. This list is current as of Stardate 89805.12. I will do my best to keep it updated. In the meantime, you might be interested in the article I …

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Vice Admiral Tepid.Rain

Tepid.Rain's heavy cruiser the stormy night

Vice Admiral Tepid.Rain She actually made Vice Admiral on Thursday Stardate 89786.66, so why did it take till Saturday morning to let you know? Glad you asked, it actually is a combination of two things. First, I kinda got swept up in the story line… Okay who am I kidding? I definately got swept up …

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The path to 2409 event walkthrough

Time and location The path to 2409 event occurs at Starfleet Academy in the SOL system of the Sirius block. The event happens randomly but at least 2 times per day. Its an easy way to make 480 dilithium ore and if you are lucky earn quite a bit of energy credits. Commander Viala To …

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Just discovered another wiki out there that covers star trek online. I still want to work on mine though. There should be enough room out there for a few wikis I would think. And even if there is not, I can always just use the one here as a CMS to store things for the …

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Starfleet academy event walkthrough

  Time and location The starfleet academy cadet event occurs in the SOL system of the Sirius block. It occurs twice each day, the first time is 9:00 am EST and the second time is 1:00 pm EST. The event is normally pretty crowded, after all it is free dilithium ore. Finding a good instance …

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Duty officers how many of each type do I need?

One of the first things about the duty officer systems that i found out is that it is pretty complicated. Apparently, there are over 30 thousand individual duty officers and they have tons of different jobs, specializations and qualities. With so many choices how do you figure out where to start? Luckily, some of the …

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Addition of star trek online wiki

  One of the many things that I will be working on is a star trek online wiki. I encourage anyone interested in helping to sign up for the wiki and start adding information. I will more than likely start by working on the section for Duty officers myself. After spending a few hours working …

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